Friday, March 25, 2011

Flashback Friday #129

Bad Things Happen At The Skating Rink

Welcome one and all to another edition of Flashback Friday. In this post, you will see that I wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. A place that had nothing but bad memories for me created another that lasted a long time.

In Flashback Friday #31, I told you of hurting my ankle at the skating rink in the 5th grade. Near the end of my 8th grade year, I ventured again to the rink. I didn't skate any better than I did in the 5th grade. Luckily, I didn't fall down. However I did meet someone who cause many a mixed emotion for several years.

On this particular trip, I ran into Pauline Pershing (she of Flashback Friday #65, 97, 103, 109, 111, 116 & 127) She had come with several of her friends. One of her friends that she introduced me to was Kelly Stump. I think she did this to keep me occupied & away from her. Kelly was a year older than me, and was boy crazy to the max.

Kelly stuck to me like moss on a tree. She wasn't unattractive, but if she was any more forward she would have fallen on her face. And, of course, she wanted my phone number. And of course, I gave it to her.

Mistake. Mistake. Mistake. In those days before caller ID & answering machines, you were at the mercy of the caller if you answered. I was afraid that it was Mom & Dad, so I usually answered. I used the excuse that I had to keep things short since my parents worked out of town and may need to reach me.

She bugged me for some time to go with her. I held out for some time. Alas, all good things come to an end. I finally relented (but that is another post altogether). I never went back to that skating rink.

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