Monday, July 13, 2009

The Electronic Deer Call

Saturday, when I was cleaning the rental trailer that Dad has, I found an electronic deer call. The back that holds the batteries in was missing, but the former owner had redneck-engineered some duct tape to form a new panel. I didn't know if it worked, but if it didn't I wasn't out anything.

Earlier today I showed it to "The Boy" and told him that if it worked, he and his dad could have it, since they both deer hunt. I put the batteries in, and it worked like a charm.

"The Boy" took it outside to "call some deer" (what, is it a deer cell phone, or something?). He came in later, and handed it to me and said,"I'm not done, I just need a bathroom break". As he went into the bathroom, and shut the door, I pushed the button labeled "BUCK GRUNT". A loud "Urumph, urumph" came out of the call. I hollered to The Boy,"Was that you? Are you OK?" A loud cackle came from the bathroom with the comment "That was a good one Pawpaw".


Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

Sounds like he has your sense of humor!

Mrs. Nurse Boy

midlife slices said...

That WAS a good one, Pawpaw. :)