Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Confession is good for the soul

Ladies, has you husband ever told you that he would do something, then as time passes (OK, years pass) and it still doesn't get accomplished? Don't feel like you are alone. I told Lady Nottaguy-TYG after we fenced in our yard that I would make her some flower beds around the fence. The closest this has come is to plant some flowers near the fence.

Alas, According to Solomon, there is a time to build up and a time to tear down. Last week I started the flower bed at the back of our lot. First I had to tear up the turf that was where the bed would go.

Once the sod was gone, this is what I built:

(I built the flower box, not the old barn that belongs to the neighbors across the alley. From this angle, it looks like we live on Walton's mountain.)I then had to make several trips to the dwelling of The Ogre & The Woodsman. They recently had some digging done at their place, and had dirt that I could haul away to fill the above box(which measures somewhere around 2' x 50')

Last night while sweeping out the dirt from my truck, I got to thinking, "I've had this truck for several years, but have never pulled up the bed liner and cleaned under it." I didn't even know if the floor was stable under the bed liner, because I had never seen it. So I rolled up the bed liner and started sweeping. This is what I found under the liner:

That, my friends is four (yes, I counted) shovelfuls of dirt/leaves/pine needles/I-don't-know-what-all compost that had built up under my bed liner. I even found lifeforms living in the stuff:
The very dark thing at the left of the picture is a beetle bug of some kind that had made it's home in the mulch under my bed liner. PETA will be happy that I didn't kill it. I just scooped it up with the rest of the stuff. I had to use a shovel to free some of the severely encrusted mulch. (How's that for shoveling out your vehicle" when you clean it? )


Liz said...

Great job - I would have left off that part about your truck, though. Confession is good for the soul, but bad for the reputation :)

Jewel said...

Wonderful job, Sir!! And you got your truck bed cleaned out in the process!
I'm waiting for my DH to replace the privacy fence in front of our burn barrels. There is just old wood lattice up there now that had redwood paint on it at one time. He's been putting it off! We'll have to see if I get this before summer is over! *smile*

Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...


And, no worries! You aren't the only husband that avoids his to do list. Hypothetically speaking, of course!

Mrs. NB