Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April comes in like a lion...

I thought that March was supposed to come in like a lion, but I found this last night on my truck:

It is still snowing this morning. It must be that confounded global warming.


Code Yellow Mom said...

You'd think you lived in Ukraine or something. ;) Actually, we've had some beautiful low 70's weather the last couple days. Sorry about the lion in your neck of the woods. :)

Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

It really has been a rough winter for many. I personally think we are going to skip spring and go straight to summer. Next month we might be complaining about 100 degree weather...CRAZY!

I just want to show off my pedicure. I am sure you can relate. ;0)

Mrs. Nurse Boy

Valerie said...

For globe that is supposably too warm, why is it snowing in April????

I am just glad that it looks like it might be clearing and Easter should be nice!

I agree with Mrs. Nurse Boy, we probably won't get a real spring. Course I hope we are both wrong! =)