Saturday, January 17, 2009

What a morning

Yesterday morning, about 4 AM, I had to get up to go to the bathroom. During really cold, winter weather I always turn the faucet on, just to make sure the water hasn't frozen. It froze once about 3 years ago, but never again.

When I turned the water on, I heard the sound I didn't want to hear. No water flowing, just an air sucking noise. "Oh, great!" I thought. It had dropped to a balmy -14 during the night. Time for evasive action.

I scrambled to get space heaters in place. I got Lady Nottaguy-TYG's hair dryer. I had to thaw those pipes out before they burst. Since they run up the wall to the second floor, they would be a major headache to replace. I took part of the kitchen ceiling down to get warm air to where the pipes were.

At 5:15 AM, my hard work paid off. Water started flowing again. I had told my wife that if the water wasn't thawed out before it was time for me to go to work, that I would take an emergency vacation day (I have 5 that I can use per year), to get the water running. Since it was only 15 minutes after my alarm would have gone off, I went ahead and got ready for work.

I opened a bottle of diet Pepsi MAX (that's my version of coffee), and had half of it gone by 6 AM.When I went out to start my truck, it was booger cold outside. Booger cold is when everything in your nose freezes when you breathe. The truck hesitated, but started. I went back in, and headed back upstairs to brush my teeth. As I was brushing my teeth, I had a startling revelation. You know you are tired when you are brushing your teeth, but forgot to put toothpaste on the toothbrush.

I prayed with my wife & kissed her goodbye (which is our morning ritual), and headed out the door. Two minutes later I came back in the door because I had forgotten my lunchbox. Off to work through the frozen tundra.

At work I put myself on one of the most unpleasant jobs in the plant. I knew that would keep me awake. I sang a tune and did the happy dance when I got home.

No frozen pipes this morning. This is good.

1 comment:

Lavender Chick said...

Okay, first of all, I love the fact that you were alert enough at 4 a.m. to think about the pipes... I would be in a zombie-like stupor at this time. And not only did you think about them, you took action.

I'm sure you were doing the happy dance when you got home. Hope you got to bed early, too!