Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Resolutions You Can Keep

Years ago I made a resolution to stop making resolutions because I could never keep them. Here is a list that I could keep:

1. Gain 10 pounds.
2. Stop exercising.
3. Procrastinate more (starting tomorrow).
4. Don't jump off a cliff because everyone else is doing it.
5. Get in a whole new rut.
6. Start being superstitious.
7. Don't sucker punch Chuck Norris.
8. Speak in a monotone voice and use only monosyllabic words.
9. Take a vacation to someplace important, like the world's largest ball of twine.
10. Assume full responsibility for my actions (except for the one's that are someone else's fault)

Do you have any resolutions?


Liz said...

I love #5 - Get in a whole new rut. That's the best.

Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

Nurse Boy and I just made a deal to get on the treadmill every day (we even have a built in reward system), but I really like your list much better!

Mrs. Nurse Boy