Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What's Going On At The Castle?

The other day, my grandaughter, The Girl, wanted me to play with her. I have an Imaginext castle and she needed me to put it together for her to play with. She drug it out of the toy room and I dumped it out, sorted the pieces and commenced to build a castle. Once I had the castle built, she had some grand plans.

First off, she wanted visitors to come to the castle. So I rounded up some visitors. I came up with a giant and an ogre. The ogre needed help crossing the street, so the giant held his hand.

Then there was a ball in the castle. Cinderella and The Prince were dancing together.

But everyone knows the story. The Prince also had to dance with Cinderella's ugly step-sister. This step-sister could have had as much beauty sleep as Sleeping Beauty and still have been ugly.

You've got to love the imaginationof a four year-old little girl.

1 comment:

MotherT said...

Not to mention she had the attention of one of her favorite playmates--her Gweag!!!!