Friday, October 19, 2012

Flashback Friday #207

Sweet 16

Welcome to all. Grab a party hat and a noise maker because it's party time. My 16th birthday.

The day started out like any other day. I had to go to school (I tried to convince my parents that I should be able to take my birthday off, but they wouldn't agree). I came home and did my chores. When my parents came home, they had a surprise for me.

They had stopped at Gold Circle (a department store in Westerville that no longer exists) and bought me a couple of record albums for my birthday. I was hoping for a car, but that didn't happen. Mom commenced to make a "garbage cake" while also fixing supper.

While digging through some stuff at my parents house, I unearthed an actual picture taken that day.
Quite frightening, eh? I'll bet you didn't realize that this was a costume party. Just check out that ridiculous wig. Oops, my bad, that's not a wig, that's my actual hair (circa 1980). The sweat shirt was given to me by my brother, Sir Gattabout (who was in the Army at the time). He decided he wanted it back on one of his trips home. In my hands are the two record albums that I got for my birthday. The first was "Get The Knack" by The Knack (you remember "My Sharona" don't you?) and the second was "Kenny" by Kenny Rogers. Seeing that I'm not a big country fan, the second selection may seem odd to you. More about that in next week's Flashback Friday.

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