Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I hate being sick

I didn't go to work or church today because I was sick. I guess my last post was somewhat incorrect. Even though I did make some poor choices, they wouldn't have caused a 100.7 temp.
All I did today was lay around, watch old movies & sleep.

I think the thing I hate most about being sick is that I am a whiner baby when I'm sick. I was a Momma's boy growing up (hence the nickname "Gertrude" from a certain set of cousins). I tend to moan and whine and generally feel like I'm dying. (see my Flashback Friday posts for more on that).

My wife on the other hand likes to be left alone when she is sick. Don't ask her twice if she needs anything. A real frontier/pioneer type.

She took me for better or worse, sicker or poorer. This is definitely the sicker & worse of times.


MotherT said...

Contrary to Sir's post, I'm really not a frontier/pioneer type person. I've just learned that if I'm sick, sleeping is the best thing for me to do. Besides, I'm horrendously grumpy when I don't feel well, so if everybody leaves me alone, nobody gets their head bitten off!!! ;)

Sir, however does love the attention when he's not feeling well, and yet he constantly apologizes for all the extra work. My daughters and I just try to keep from giggling in his presence when he starts his "dying" routine.

Lavender Chick said...

Perhaps this is a man/woman thing... My husband wants to be babied when he's sick; I don't want anyone near me. Hmmmm. Maybe this is one of those Mars/Venus things.

NinjaJohn said...

Ninjas kind of like to be left alone, to read, play video games, and stay hydrated. Maybe have NinjaMistie run and get me some dayquil. Sometimes I also rearrange the living room when I am not well too.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and don't get me started on when the Boy also gets sick in front of Sir!!! How's about leaving some "sick" on the woodfloors for 45 minutes until I can arrive from work to clean it up. It is awfully hard not to laugh, too.

Jewel said...

Okay, I've thought about is being sick thing and me and the DH and how we are. I tend to take care of myself pretty much, though with the hip replacements, I've needed alot more help than usual. But if it is a cold, I can usually manage my own care.
Now, the DH....he is kind of whiney and at death's door. *grin* But I love him and try my best to help him AND assure him that he is going to live.