Friday, November 28, 2008

Flashback Friday #14

The World's Pickiest Eater

The Thanksgiving holiday has just passed. At our gatherings we would have the following:
mashed potatoes & gravy
pasta salad
deviled eggs
scalloped corn
green bean casserole
cranberry sauce
pumpkin pie

This is what I would eat:

turkey, ham, mashed potatoes w/ butter, and pumpkin pie.

When Mom was a little girl, her parents served a can of spinach that had become rancid. She complained and was severely punished & made to eat it. She then became very sick. She then vowed that she would never make her kids eat anything that they didn't want to.

Because of this, I never tried anything that looked "yucky" or smelled weird. My staple food group growing up was the peanut butter food group. I ate peanut butter all the time. I have never outgrown my love of peanut butter.

Since I have grown older & married, my menu has expanded. When I got married, my wife gave me two choices for supper: take it or leave it. There are still things I don't like, and my wife knows it, but I do like things that my Mom has trouble beliving that I will now eat, because I didn't when I was a kid.


NinjaJohn said...

I had a similar experience growing up as a very picky eater. Boot camp fixed that quick, fast, and in a hurry. When you are THAT hungry, you will eat most ANYTHING.

Lavender Chick said...

I never cared for milk when I was a kid, it never set well with me. Years later there's a word for it: Lactose Intolerant. Anyway, at Girl Scout camp I was forced to drink milk one day with my lunch. I kept telling her it would make me sick. I drank it, and I swear it was spoiled. Was sick all day. That was 33 years ago, and the last time I drank milk.... And the last year I went to Girl Scout Camp.

Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

I am also a fan of the peanut butter food group. When I worked nights my first year out of school, I had two PB&J sandwiches for lunch every night. I still love it. I am not picky though, I have branched out since I was a kid. I just needed peanut butter for dessert.
